Review: Mountain Warehouse’s “360 Reflective Mens Jacket II”
I tried the Pro-Viz jacket and although it was very reflective, it wasn’t very durable and shredded through normal use in barely 1.5 years. To be fair, this was due to little breathing holes to vent heat. However, given the price tag of nearly £100, I wasn’t inclined to replace it with another one after such a short period of time. Pro-Viz offered a discount on a replacement jacket, but the cost wasn’t far off the price of a new one, so I gave it a pass.
I found the Mountain Warehouse version “360 Reflective Mens Jacket II” to replace it at a fraction of the price: £25. Even if it gets shredded in the same amount of time, I’m much less bothered.
The size “medium” was a bit tight under the arms, so I bought a size “large”. Don’t be fooled by it’s dull grey colour: when a vehicle’s headlights are reflected on it, the jacket appears as though it’s powered by a nuclear battery. You’d have to be blind in both eyes not to see it. Cycling with it fully zipped can be very sweaty, but on frozen winter evenings, I’d rather be a bit warmer than colder. And cycling on cold dark winter evenings, this jacket will light you up like a flare.
Looks like this model has been discontinued but there are other companies offering “Pro-Viz clones” at a fraction of the cost.