General advice on terrain:
– Downhill
Moderate your speed going downhill, ESPECIALLY if there are junctures off the sides or at bottom; please read the page on “Speed Moderation” for techniques to brake your speed.
– Uphill
Before cycling UP a steep gradient hill, ensure that you’ve got sufficient leg strength to get to the top in a single attempt. Otherwise, you’re facing a dismount on a steep hill, which for a novice Penny-Farthing novice who cannot locate their mount pegs quickly & reflexively is almost sure to end up badly.
Cycling through a ford is NOT comparable to a deep puddle on a paved road. Fords are constructed of uneven paving stones which are very slippery. After riding my Penny-Farthing through the ford in the below video, I was told by one of the group that a regular cyclist- not riding a Penny-Farthing– wrecked and broke their hip only a week earlier at this very ford. Fords are extremely dangerous: wet feet dry quicker than broken bones heal. I strongly advise walking your Penny-Farthing across all fords- especially if you are an inexperienced rider. Although it looks easy in the video, I can tell you that I was really struggling not to wreck crossing it.